PHA-Exchange> "medicine & health 2005" - GOING INTERNATIONAL Course Catalogue

claudio at claudio at
Fri Mar 18 04:08:29 PST 2005

"medicine & health 2005" - GOING INTERNATIONAL Course Catalogue
Editor: Gerhard Polak
Publisher: GOING INTERNATIONAL Information Services, G. Polak KEG
ISBN: 3-902359-04-8, 288 pp, September 2004
To download sample chapters as PDF file (4 pp. 117 kB) go to:
GOING INTERNATIONAL was established by Gerhard Polak to provide 
information and counselling for professionals working in the 
field of medicine, public health, international development co-
operation and humanitarian aid. His professional experience as a 
medical doctor and his expertise in working with international 
humanitarian missions in crisis regions made him realize how im-
portant it was to keep up with current trends in evidence-based 
medicine and training as well as to be prepared for going 
The flagship product of GOING INTERNATIONAL is its international 
course catalogue, medicine & health, a unique publication avail-
able worldwide. Medicine & health lists all the top courses and 
congresses in the fields of medicine, public health and develop-
ment cooperation. 
Medicine & health is an annually updated reference book for phy-
sicians and health experts listing 2,500 courses by 700 organiz-
ers (renowned universities, non-governmental organisations or 
international organisations, such as the World Bank Group) in 42 
countries. The book features scientific articles, indices and 
address directories and provides links to scientific websites. 
The course descriptions are supplemented by scientific papers 
and articles by well-known authors.
The course catalogue facilitates the search for courses and pro-
grams, and offers quick and systematic information about course 
content, entry requirements, application and registration. 
Within the field of training and professional development the 
best and most renowned courses have been researched and com-
Medicine & health is the ideal guide for targeted career plan-
ning. Listed courses, grouped by specific areas, can be found 
easily. Individuals can plan their professional development ef-
ficiently and without much effort. 
Theresa Duda
information services G.Polak KEG
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