PHA-Exchange> Bubbling business: German drugs in Third World countries

Passanna passanna at
Mon Mar 14 00:34:25 PST 2005

Bubbling business: German drugs in Third World countries

BUKO Pharma-Kampagne presents new study on German pharmaceuticals, sold in Africa, Asia and Latin America


The following is an extract from a brochure   published by  BUKO Pharma-Kampagne, Bielefeld providing comprehensive insight into the quality of German drugs in 46 countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America. The expert publication outlines the concept and the methodology of the study. It contains numerous tables and graphs as well as explanatory texts. The pharmaceuticals examined including their appraisals are listed according to the companies in the Annex.


German pharmaceutical companies are among the biggest providers of pharmaceuticals to the Third World and are proud of their reputation. A new drug study on German pharmaceuticals in 46 Third World countries by BUKO Pharma-Kampagne, a German health NGO, however dents this positive image. BUKO studied the sales of German pharmaceutical companies in the countries of the South for the fourth time. The conclusion of the new study: in 2003, over 39 per cent of the German preparations sold were irrational or even dangerous. Moreover, lack of adequate product information of German manufacturers shows evidence of negligence.


Pharmaceuticals offer no solution to a great many health problems in countries where the living conditions of large parts of the population are characterized by hunger, miserable housing conditions and unsafe drinking water. Nevertheless, do people all over the world have an equal access to effective medicines? The answer is simple. Pharmaceutical companies which sell unsafe drugs or medicines without therapeutic benefit seriously restrict people's right to health. BUKO Pharma-Kampagne evaluated more than 2,500 pharmaceuticals in these countries sold by German companies in 46 countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America. Thirty nine per cent, that means almost one thousand preparations continue to be marketed without any medical justification. These drugs must be considered irrational according to clinico-pharmacological criteria. BUKO's drug-study is based on a total of eleven drug compendia which were available in the 46 countries in 2003.

To order the original brochure in German please refer information below:

Jenkes, Schaaber, Velbinger: Sprudelnde Geschäfte: Deutsche Medikamente in der 3. Welt.
Editor: BUKO Pharma-Kampagne, Bielefeld 2004, 20 pages  

 ISBN 3-928879-23-5                         Price: EUR 5  plus postage 
This brochure  (in German only)   is an easy-to-read introduction to the problem also outlining the basic prerequisites of health care systems in poorer countries. Numerous photographs, colour illustrations and many examples guarantee an exciting read. 


Jenkes, Schaaber, Velbinger, Zettler: Data and facts 2004: German drugs in the Third World.
Editor: BUKO Pharma-Kampagne, Bielefeld 2004, 56 pages , English language 
ISBN 3-928879-25-1                          Price: EUR 10 plus postage 

Non-profit public interest NGO's get reduced prices, please ask for details service at BUKO Pharma-Kampagne, August-Bebel-Str. 62, D­-33602 Bielefeld , Germany 

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