PHA-Exchange> Tobacco Law Passed!!!!

WBB Trust wbb at
Sun Mar 13 08:16:56 PST 2005

Greetings to all our dear friends and colleagues, and many thanks to all 
the invaluable help and support you have given us along the way!  Today, 13 
March 05, Parliament passed a tobacco control law which will ban all forms 
of advertising except point of sales, make most public places smoke-free, 
and put stronger, clearer warnings on cigarette packs.  Although the law is 
not perfect, it is a huge leap forward for us, as till now we have had 
virtually no law--but plenty of advertising etc.

Please share in our joy at this good news, after the many years of hard 
work to make it come true!

Your friends at WBB Trust (Work for a Better Bangladesh)

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