PHA-Exchange> Volunteer Opportunities in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe

Jennifer Staple Jennifer.Staple at
Fri Mar 4 18:36:23 PST 2005

Hi all,

These international volunteer opportunities will likely be of interest to many of you.  Unite For Sight( is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, and volunteers prescribe eyeglasses, screen for eye disease and coordinate and fund diagnosis, treatment, and surgery by doctors.  Volunteers also implement Train the Trainer programs for teachers and educate children and adults about eye health and ways to prevent blindness.

All persons over the age of 18 are welcome to apply for these volunteer opportunities, including  undergraduate and graduate students, physician assistants, nurses, optometry and medical students, optometrists, ophthalmologists, public health professionals, physicians, corporate professionals, graduate students, retired professionals, and any others with an interest in international service.  No prior medical experience is required.

If you are interested in the volunteer opportunities listed below, please contact <mailto:JStaple at> and consult <>

The Unite For Sight International Opportunities Manual and Application can be downloaded at

Summer 2005

Latin America

San Salvador, El Salvador: May 2 - June 2
Jaque, Darien, Panama: July 15 - August 15
Danli, El Paraiso, Honduras: May 1 - August 30 (Flexible Dates Available for 1 Month or More)
Cuzco, Peru: May 15 - June 15
Siuna, Nicaragua: June 10 - July 25

Orphanage at Andhra Pradesh: July 1 - July 30
Hyderabad at LV Prasad Eye Institute: July 1-30
Punjab, India: May 1 - May 30
Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India: May 15 - June 15
Nagpur, Maharashtra State, India: May 15 - June 1
Alwar, Rajasthan, India: June 1 - June 30
Pradesh, India: June 15 - June 30
New Delhi, India: July 1 - July 30
Chennai, India: Jul 5 - July 31
Kolkata, India: July 1 - August 10

lower north of Thailand: July 15 - August 1
Northeast region and Tsunami region of Thailand: June 15 - July 13
Foothills of Thailand: June 15 - July 13

Buduburam Refugee Camp, Ghana: May 1 - August 30 (Flexible Dates for 4 weeks or more)
Ho, Ghana: June 10 - August 10
Hohoe, Ghana: May 20 - July 1
Kwawu, Ghana: July 1 - August 15
Patriensa Village in Asante Akim District: July 1 - August 15
Bibiani, Ghana: May 20 - July 15
Lome, Togo: July 1 - 30
Dumasi, Malawi: June 1 - July 15
Pobe, Benin: June 1 - July 15
Kenya: June 1 - July 30
Iganga Region, Uganda: June 2 - July 15
Jinja, Uganda: June 1 - July 30
Karatu, Tanzania: June 10 - June 30
Nyamuswa, Tanzania: July 1 - August 20
Buea, Cameroon: August 1 - August 20
Refugee Camp at Brookfields Freetown, Sierra Leone: June 1 - December 1 (Flexible Dates for 4 weeks or more)

Eastern Europe
Stepanavan and Tashir, Armenia: May 15 - July 15

Fall 2005
Apam, Ghana: September 20 - November 30, 2005
Buduburam Refugee Camp, Ghana: Flexible Dates for 1 Month or More Through Spring 2006
Sierra Leone Refugee Camp: Flexible Dates for 1 Month or More Through Spring 2006
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: August 20 - September 30

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