PHA-Exchange> WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health

Claudio claudio at
Wed Dec 15 18:30:22 PST 2004

WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health; Knowledge Networks-Call for Proposals

>From the Secretariat of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health, World Health Organization

At the 2004 World Health Assembly, WHO's Director-General Dr. Lee announced the beginning of a process to act upon the social causes of health inequities. As a result, the Commission on Social Determinants of Health emerged to build on existing efforts to work towards better health and greater health equity. 

The Commission is undertaking three tracks of work with the following objectives: (1) learning: by consolidating, disseminating and promoting  the use of  knowledge that demonstrates the imperative for action on the social determinants of  health and that informs both policy and effective, equitable interventions on these determinants; (2) advocacy: by identifying and promoting opportunities for action on key social determinants within policy makers, implementing agencies and the wider society; and (3) action: by catalyzing and supporting processes that initiate, inform and strengthen actions to integrate knowledge on social determinants within public health policy and practice.  

The learning track consists of nine Knowledge Networks (KN), each of which will be coordinated by an organization participating as a 'Knowledge Network Hub'. The KNs are organized around the following themes: early child development, health systems, employment conditions, globalization, priority public health conditions, human settlements, social exclusion, food security and measurement of the impact of a social determinants approach on health outcomes.  

Commission web-site:

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