PHA-Exchange> Reducing Poverty on a Large Scale

Claudio claudio at
Wed Oct 20 22:21:19 PDT 2004

From: Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia (WDC) 

Reducing Poverty on a Large Scale - Report from the Shanghai Conference

Development OUTREACH is a flagship magazine in the field of global knowledge for development 
SPECIAL REPORT - October 2004



"....We began our discussions recognizing that in our world of six billion people, one billion have 80 percent of the income and five billion have less than 20 percent. We started with the proposition that in the next 25 years, two billion more people will come onto the planet, and all but 50 million of them will be in developing countries. In the year 2025, seven out of the eight billion people on this planet will be in developing countries, and by 2050, it will be eight billion out of nine. This issue of global imbalance is at the core of the challenge to scale up poverty reduction.


Although the proportion of people living in extreme poverty was reduced by half between 1981 and 2001, most of the Millennium Development Goals in education, health, the environment and other areas, will not be met in 2015 by most developing nations. To reach these targets, we need to take action now: we need to find a new way of doing business-a new paradigm for scaling up.


"Scaling up" means taking successful programs, policies, or projects and expanding, adapting, and sustaining them in different places and over time. 

This requires learning more about what works and what doesn't... James D. Wolfensohn,  President of The World Bank."

Commentary: Do the deeds match these pronouncements?   Claudio

Special Reports

·         Reducing Poverty on a Large Scale

·         Highlights of the Conference - Shanghai Conference, May 25-27, 2004

·         Experimentation and Learning for Development Results: Experience from the Shanghai Global Learning Process

·         The Key to Success: Development Lessons from the East Asia and Pacific Region

·         China's Comprehensive Approach to Poverty Reduction

·         Financing and Scaling Up Efforts: Domestic and External Approaches

·         Time for Action: A Perspective from Tanzania on Operational Implications

·         Integrated Efforts to Reduce Poverty  
The Learning Process-Field Visit to Brazil

·         Ten Good Years: A Successful Outcome of the Southwest Poverty Reduction Project
The Learning Process-Field Visit to China

·         Communities in the Driver's Seat
The Learning Process-Case Study in Yemen

·         What Works, What Doesn't, and Why: A Global Discussion 
The Learning Process-Global Dialogue

·         Looking to the Future: A Leading Role for Youth in the Shanghai Learning Process

Other Websites: 

ACCION INTERNATIONAL:  aims to give people the tools they need to work their way out of poverty. By providing "micro" loans and business training to poor women and men who start their own businesses, ACCION's partner lending organizations help people work their own way up the economic ladder, with dignity and pride. With capital, people can grow their own businesses. They can earn enough to afford basics like running water, better food and schooling for their children.

CARE,   operates in more than 60 countries around the world, working with poor communities to find lasting solutions to poverty. With a broad range of programs based in empowerment, equity and sustainability, CARE seeks to tap human potential, to leverage the power of people and, in doing so, to unleash a vast force for progress. 

ADB: POVERTY REDUCTION  is a website of the Asian Development Bank. The site features: Poverty Reduction Strategy, Millennium Development Goals, Regional and Country Activities, Poverty and Development Indicators, Documents and Publications, News and Events, others.

POVERTYNET  is a website of the World Bank, providing resources and support for people working to understand and alleviate poverty. The site highlights several topics and programs: Social Capital for Development-norms and networks that enable collective action; Understanding Poverty-how poverty can be defined, measured, and studied through a variety of indicators; Understanding Impact Evaluation-information and resources for people and organizations working to assess and improve the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing poverty; and others. 

SCALING UP POVERTY REDUCTION: A GLOBAL LEARNING PROCESS AND CONFERENCE IN SHANGHAI This website provides the information on the Shanghai Conference, May 25-27, 2004, including: the rationale behind the conference, the conference program, outcomes, case studies, global dialogues, field visits, resources, and feedback. Through "Resources," one has direct access to a comprehensive database of case study videos, documentaries, and flash presentations, and can view the multimedia excursion around the world called Development 360º. 


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