PHA-Exchange> Materials for World AIDS Day now on the web!

Claudio claudio at
Sat Oct 9 01:23:32 PDT 2004

From: "Bob Verbruggen" <verbruggenb at>

Materials for World AIDS Day now on the web!
Women, girls, HIV and AIDS - World AIDS Day 2004
Have you heard me today?
This year's World AIDS Campaign posters, with the strap line 
"Have you heard me today?" explore how gender inequality fuels 
the AIDS epidemic.
Copies of this year's posters and other campaign support materi-
als are now online at
Posters will be available from Geneva in English, French, Span-
ish and Russian. We are hoping to arrange for Arabic and Chinese 
versions to be made available locally. Blank templates of images 
and text will also be available for local adaptation - following 
requests from previous years.
Please direct any World AIDS Day enquiries that may come to you 
either directly to the website pages, 
or mailto:wac at
or to +41-22-197-1027.
As you may know, World AIDS Day 2004 continues to build on the 
theme of HIV and AIDS-related stigma and discrimination with a 
specific focus on women and girls. We hope to encourage people 
to address female vulnerability to HIV - including the role men 
and boys in tackling the underlying gender inequalities that 
fuel the epidemic. All over the world women do not enjoy the 
same rights and access to employment, property and education as 
men. Women and girls are also more likely to face sexual vio-
lence. This makes them more vulnerable to HIV and, as the pri-
mary care givers, to the impact of AIDS. The posters end with 
the strong message: "Equality for women helps fight AIDS".
As usual the global epidemiological update will be launched to 
the media in the run-up to World AIDS Day, this year on 23 No-
vember. It will include a section highlighting the impact of HIV 
and AIDS on women and girls. 
Bob Verbruggen
Technical Advisor Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS in Development
& Focal Person for the Partnership with the GTZ 
Strategy Support Division (CRD)

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