PHA-Exchange> In preparation of PHA II - part 5

Claudio claudio at
Fri Sep 17 00:10:36 PDT 2004

In addition to the initiatives aimed at the existing institutional framework of the global economic system, the Movement promotes a large number of more specific initiatives aimed at the following:
  a.. greater and more equitable household food security.
  b.. some type of a Tobin tax that taxes runaway international financial transfers;
  c.. unconditional support of the emancipation of women and the respect of their full rights;
  d.. putting health higher in the development agenda of governments;
  e.. promoting the health (and other) rights of displaced and minority people;
  f.. halting the process of privatization of public health facilities and working towards  greater controls of the already installed private health sector;
  g.. more equitable, just and empowered people's participation in health and development matters;
  h.. a greater focus on poverty alleviation in national and international development plans;
  i.. greater and unconditional access of the poor to health services and treatment regardless of their ability to pay;
  j.. strengthening public institutions, political parties and trade unions involved, as the Movement is, in the struggle of the poor;
  k.. opposing restricted and dogmatic fundamentalist views of the development process;
  l.. exerting greater vigilance and activism in matters of water and air pollution, the dumping of toxics, waste disposal, climate changes and CO2 emissions, soil erosion and other attacks on the environment;
  m.. militant opposition to the unsustainable exploitation of natural resources and the destruction of forests;
  n.. protecting biodiversity and opposing biopiracy and the indiscriminate use of genetically modified seeds;
  o.. holding violators of environmental crimes accountable;
  p.. systematically applying environmental assessments of development projects and people-centered environmental audits;
  q.. opposing war and the current USA-led, blind 'anti-terrorist' campaigns;
  r.. categorically opposing the Israeli invasion of Palestinian towns (having, among other, a sizeable negative impact on the health of the Palestinian people);
          the democratization of the UN bodies and   
          especially of the Security Council.

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