PHA-Exchange> photos and stories of corporate abuse needed

Megan Rising Megan at
Wed Sep 15 15:31:14 PDT 2004

Dear Friend, 


I am writing to ask for your help in an important project challenging irresponsible and dangerous corporate actions around the world. Over the last few years at conferences, forums and trainings around the world, I have heard stories of human suffering and environmental destruction resulting from corporate practices in every corner of the globe.

Now, I would like to ask you to send those stories and images to us here at Infact as we prepare to launch an exciting new campaign. 


We are looking for photos, film footage, and stories that convey the negative impact of corporate practices-with a particular focus on the oil, water and food/agribusiness industries. Do you know the story of a person, family or community negatively impacted by water privatization or of corporations like Coca-Cola pumping precious water resources from local wells or reservoirs? Do you have photos of people or communities that have suffered at the hands of the oil industry? Do you have video footage that captures the plight of farmers trying to sustain their way of life in the face of increasing control of the world's food supply by giant corporations? Through our campaigning we can help relay these stories to activists, the media, policymakers and consumers, and pressure abusive industries to change their practices.


If you have stories, photos or film footage, please contact Karla Capers right away at karla at <mailto:karla at>  for more information. All footage and photos will be safely returned once we have copied them. 


As we gather stories and prepare for new campaign opportunities, our campaign challenging Big Tobacco continues to build momentum. As of today, 31 countries have ratified the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which enters into force and becomes international law after 40 countries ratify it. This groundbreaking treaty-the first to hold a specific industry accountable-will save millions of lives and change the way tobacco giants operate globally. This treaty will help prevent Big Tobacco from meddling in health policies, and give governments the right to prioritize the health of their citizens over trade and commercial interests. Help Infact build on this groundbreaking precedent to protect people from the dangerous and irresponsible actions of other mega-industries like food, water and oil.


Thanks for your work, and for your help in this project.


Patti Lynn, Campaign Director

46 Plympton Street 
Boston, MA 02118 
617-695-2525 Fax: 617-695-2626 

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