PHA-Exchange> Tackling health inequalities: new approaches in public policy

claudio at claudio at
Tue Jul 6 10:18:13 PDT 2004

from "Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia (WDC)" <ruglucia at PAHO.ORG> -----

Tackling health inequalities: new approaches in public policy
Jeanette Vega, Alec Irwin 
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Volume 82, Number 7(479-558)
The International Journal of Public Health - ISSN 0042-9686 - July 2004

Available online at:

".....The impact of social and environmental factors on health
inequalities has long been recognized, but little is known about how
public policy can tackle these factors. Genuinely pro-equity health
policy is needed, addressing not only income but all systematic
disparities in health between more and less advantaged social groups.
Some countries, including Sweden, the United Kingdom, Chile and Mexico,
have taken steps in this direction. A major initiative is needed to
compile evidence and support policy innovation in this critical domain.
WHO should support this process as part of its commitment to strengthen
health systems, which must be linked to multisectoral action for equity
in health....."

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