PHA-Exchange> Effectiveness of condoms in preventing STI

claudio at claudio at
Sun Jun 20 06:03:43 PDT 2004

 from A Odutola <chpss_abo at> -----

Effectiveness of condoms in preventing sexually
transmitted infections (STI)
Bulletin of the World Health Organisation 2004, 82: 454 - 461

This recent and exhaustive review provides up-to-date scientific
evidence showing "that condom use is associated with statisti-
cally significant protection of men and women against several
types of sexually transmitted infections; including HIV infec-
tion, Chlamydia infections, Gonorrhea, Herpes simplex type 2 vi-
rus and Syphilis. Condoms may also be effective in protecting
women against Trichomoniasis

While the effectiveness of condoms in STI prevention is not
100%, the authors conclude from the review that "condom promo-
tion represents an important component of comprehensive HIV and
STI-prevention strategies."

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