PHA-Exchange> Fw: [iraq-tribunal] New Reports on U.S. Planting WMDs in Iraq

UNNIKRISHNAN P.V. (Dr) unnikru at
Tue Apr 20 10:06:50 PDT 2004

New Reports on U.S. Planting WMDs in Iraq

BASRA, April 12 (MNA) -- Fifty days after the first reports that the 
U.S. forces were unloading weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in 
southern Iraq, new reports about the movement of these weapons have 
been disclosed.

  Sources in Iraq speculate that occupation forces are using the recent 
unrest in Iraq to divert attention from their surreptitious shipments 
of WMD into the country.

  An Iraqi source close to the Basra Governor's Office told the MNA that 
new information shows that a large part of the WMD, which was secretly 
brought to southern and western Iraq over the past month, are in 
containers falsely labeled as containers of the Maeresk shipping 
company and some consignments bearing the labels of organizations such 
as the Red Cross or the USAID in order to disguise them as relief 

  The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, added that Iraqi 
officials including forces loyal to the Iraqi Governing Council 
stationed in southern Iraq have been forbidden from inspecting or 
supervising the transportation of these consignments. He went on to say 
that the occupation forces have ordered Iraqi officials to forward any 
questions on the issue to the coalition forces. Even the officials of 
the international relief organizations have informed the Iraqi 
officials that they would only accept responsibility for relief 
shipments which have been registered and managed by their 

  The Iraqi source also confirmed the report about suspicious trucks 
with fake Saudi and Jordanian license plates entering Iraq at night 
last week, stressing that the Saudi and Jordanian border guards did not 
attempt to inspect the trucks but simply delivered them to the U.S. and 
British forces stationed on Iraq's borders.

  However, the source expressed ignorance whether the governments of 
Saudi Arabia and Jordan were aware of such movements.

  A professor of physics at Baghdad University also told the MNA 
correspondent that a group of his colleagues who are highly specialized 
in military, chemical and biological fields have been either bribed or 
threatened during the last weeks to provide written information on what 
they know about various programs and research centers and the possible 
storage of WMD equipment.

  The professor also said these people have been openly asked to confirm 
or deny the existence of research or related WMD equipment. A large 
number of these scientists, who are believed to be under the 
surveillance of U.S. intelligence operatives, have claimed that if they 
refuse to comply with this request, they may be killed or arrested on 
charges of concealing the truth if these weapons are found by the Bush 
administration in the future.

  He said that the Iraqi scientists believe their lives would be in 
danger if they decline to cooperate with the occupation forces, 
especially when they recall that senior U.S. officer Michael Peterson 
once said, "Iraqi scientists are at any case a threat to the U.S. 
administration, whether they talk or not."

  A source close to the Iraqi Governing Council said, "In the meantime, 
many suspect containers disguised as fuel supplies have been moved 
about by some units of the U.S. special forces. The move has been 
carried out under heavy security measures. Also, there are unofficial 
reports that the containers held biological and bacteriological toxins 
in liquid form. It is possible that the news about the discovery of the 
WMDs would be announced later."

  He also said that such mixtures had been used by the Saddam regime in 
the 1990s.

  The source added that some provocative actions such as the closure of 
Al-Hawza periodical by U.S. administrator Paul Bremer, the secret 
meetings between his envoys with some extremist groups who have no 
relations with the Iraqi Governing Council, the sudden upsurge in 
violence in central and southern Iraq, a number of activities which 
have stoked up the wrath of the prominent Shia clerics, and finally, 
the spate of kidnappings and the baseless charges against the Iranian 
charge d'affaires in Baghdad are providing the necessary smokescreen 
for the transportation of the WMD to their intended locations.

  He said they are quite aware that the White House in cooperation with 
the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has directly tasked the Defense 
Department to hide these weapons. Given the recent scandals to the 
effect that the U.S. president was privy to the 9/11 plot, they might 
try to immediately announce the discovery of weapons of mass 
destruction in Iraq in order to overshadow the scandals and prevent a 
further decline of Bush's public opinion rating as the election 
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