PHA-Exchange> Why international media so biased to remail silent in the face gross atrocity being committed every day in Nepal

Mathura P Shrestha mathura at
Sun Apr 11 09:02:33 PDT 2004

Dear All

Thank you for the notice. In deed international media appear to be so biased to remain silent in the face gross atrocity being committed every day in Nepal. Even their reporters in Nepal are frustrated. 

The king has staged most regressive coup and installed unconstitutional government. Thanks to the continued blessings of super powers to repressive governments all over the world. The despots and tyrants have now ready made role model shown bu US war on terrorism. The despots in Nepal as in any other despotic rules have got pretext to torture its people. Majority in Nepal refuse to recognize as their government. 

I hope due and impartial coverage will be provided in future.

I thank Democracy Now Radio and WORT Community Radio who interviewed me over the phone.

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