PHA-Exchange> Columbia Human Rights Program: Call for applications

Anant Bhan dranantbhan at
Sun Mar 28 00:27:57 PST 2004

Subject: [hr-education] 2004 Columbia Human Rights Advocates Program

Dear colleagues:

The Center for the Study of Human Rights at Columbia University is
pleased to announce this call for applications for the 2004 Human 
Rights Advocates Program.  We encourage you to widely disseminate this
application to human rights activists based in developing countries, as
well as grassroots activists in the United States.

The Human Rights Advocates Program was established in 1989 to build the
capacity of grassroots activists worldwide so that they can more
effectively address pressing human rights concerns and build linkages
with the global human rights community.  To date, nearly 200 leading
human rights activists from more than 60 countries have participated in
the program and are now affecting change in their communities, both
locally and globally.

Beginning this year, the Center is launching a new phase of the program
by focusing specifically on advancing human rights thinking and 
activism with respect to the global economy.  The Initiative on Human Rights
Advocacy and the Global Economy: Human Rights Advocates Program builds
on the success of the now 15 year-old Advocates Program, featuring a
program of advocacy, skill-building, and scholarship through a
four-month intensive training program in New York.

The initiative seeks to integrate grassroots human rights leaders and
activists into national and international policy-making discussions and
processes related to globalization, in order to influence global
economic decision-making in favor of more effective and
rights-responsive policies. In addition to completing a tailored
academic and skill-building program at Columbia, participants engage in
dialogue with key figures leading debates on globalization in
government, business and the NGO sector.  They also share insights and
strategies with one another, creating lasting partnerships with
counterparts from other regions.  At the conclusion of the US-based
program, the Center continues to partner with these grassroots leaders
and their organizations to further the development of research and
advocacy strategies as well as new intellectual paradigms in human

 From 2004 - 2006 the Initiative on Human Rights Advocacy and the 
Economy will focus on the following key sub-themes of interest:

-     Labor rights
-     Migration
-     Health
-     Environmental justice
-     Corporate social responsibility, including sectoral issues such 
human rights in the extractive industries or agriculture.

Activists working on the above areas from a gender perspective are
encouraged to apply.

As a direct result of this initiative, the Center will develop a cadre
of leaders from multiple regions working on issues of human rights and
globalization. During the New York-based residency, the activists will
interact and reflect on pressing issues, learn lessons from each other,
develop concrete skills and raise money for future activism. They will
solidify ties with key allies and engage in advocacy to advance 
solutions to the challenges of globalization.

The Program is designed for lawyers, journalists, teachers, community
organizers, and other human rights activists working with
non-governmental organizations in labor rights, migration, health,
environmental justice and corporate social responsibility. Participants
are selected on the basis of their previous work experience on one of
the above topics, commitment to the human rights field, and 
ability to complete graduate level studies.  Full-time students or
government officials will not be considered. Advocates must secure
institutional endorsement from their organizations for their
participation in the program and must commit to returning to that
organization upon completion of the Program.  Activists must also be
originating from and residing in either a developing country or the
United States.  Fluency in English is required.

Complete application should be submitted no later than April 15, 2004.
Late or incomplete applications received after the deadline will not be
considered.  The 2004 program will take place from September to 
this year and will admit up to ten applicants.

Attached please find the 2004 program application form on-line at
A list of past program participants can also be found on our website.

For more information, please visit or
email <hradvocates at>.

With warm regards,

Holly Bartling
Director of Training
Center for the Study of Human Rights
Columbia University
1108 IAB, MC: 3365
New York, NY  10027, USA
Tel: 212.854.3014 | Fax: 212.854.6785 | Email: hmb61 at | 

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