PHA-Exchange> Letter of Condolences

Maria Hamlin Zuniga iphc at
Tue Jan 6 00:37:17 PST 2004

Dear Dr. Barzgar and colleagues,

It is with great sorrow that we have been reading, hearing, and seeing the
news of the the terrible earthquake in Iran. Nearly 30 years ago there was a
similar earthquake in Guatemala where over 20,000 persons were killed in the
early morning hours, mainly because of primitive building techniques.
Nicaragua, El Salvador and Mexico also have frequent earthquakes leaving
tremendous devastation.  So we feel very deeply for the people of Iran and
their suffering at this time.

On behalf of the International People?s Health Council and its
representation around the world we wish to extend our prayers and


Maria Hamlin-Zuniga
International People?s Health Council
maria at
Member of the People?s Health Movement
We invite you to sign on to our Campaign for Health for All Now

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