PHA-Exchange> Sport as a Tool for Development and Peace - Towa rds Achieving the Millennium Development Goals

Claudio aviva at
Wed Oct 15 06:41:30 PDT 2003

From: Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia (WDC) 

Sport as a Tool for Development and Peace:
Towards Achieving the Millennium Development Goals

Report from the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Sport for Development and Peace   
September, 2003         

Available online as PDF file [22p.] at: 

"........This report analyses in detail the potential contribution that sport can make towards achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It provides an overview of the growing role that sports activities are playing in many United Nations programmes and the lessons learned. It also includes recommendations aimed at maximizing and mainstreaming the use of sport.

United Nations efforts to assist countries to achieve the MDGs include various actors working in partnership for sustainable development and peace. In particular, the eighth MDG calls for concerted action to cultivate "a global partnership for development". 

The world of sport presents a natural partnership for the United Nations system. By its very nature sport is about participation. It is about inclusion and citizenship. Sport brings individuals and communities together, highlighting commonalties and bridging cultural or ethnic divides. Sport provides a forum to learn skills such as discipline, confidence and leadership and it teaches core principles such as tolerance, cooperation and respect. When these positive aspects of sport are emphasized, sport becomes a powerful vehicle through which the United Nations can work towards achieving its goals.

The fundamental elements of sport make it a viable and practical tool to support the achievement of the MDGs. Sport has an impact on health and reduces the likelihood of many diseases. Sports programmes serve as an effective tool for social mobilization, supporting health activities such as HIV/AIDS education and immunization campaigns. Sport can be a significant economic force, providing employment and contributing to local development. It is also a key site and natural draw for volunteer involvement. Furthermore, participation in sport supports the preservation of a clean and healthy environment.

Sport also provides healthy alternatives to harmful actions, such as drug abuse and involvement in crime. Within schools, physical education is an essential component of quality education. Not only do physical education programmes promote physical activity; there is evidence that such programmes correlate to improved academic performance....."

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