PHA-Exchange> Directory of Training Programs in Health Services

claudio aviva at
Sat Aug 16 03:09:59 PDT 2003

From: "Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia (WDC)" <ruglucia at PAHO.ORG>
> Directory of Training Programs in Health Services and Health Policy
> Website:     <>
> The Directory of Training Programs in Health Services Research and Health
> Policy provides information about U.S. and International
> certificate, master's, doctoral, and postdoctoral programs in the fields
> health services research and health policy. The training directory is an
> online resource that is updated continuously.
> Each program profile lists: program objectives, program focus,  degree(s)
> offered, program director(s), senior faculty and primary  research
> interests, tuition, financial aid, average completion time,  average
> of students, start date, program structure,  language of instruction,
> application requirements, and contact information.
> Contact information:
> Virginia Van Horne
> AcademyHealth
> 1801 K Street, NW, Suite 701-L
> Washington, DC 20006
> Tel: 202-292-6744 Fax: 202-292-6844 hsrdirectory at
> <mailto:hsrdirectory at>

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