PHA-Exchange> Trade in health services

Samer Jabbour sjabbour at
Sat May 3 13:37:52 PDT 2003

Dear Friends,

Last year, PAHO and WHO published a book/report called "Trade in Health
Services: Global Regional and Country Perspectives" while compiles the
proceedings of a meeting held in 1999 at PAHO headquarters in
Washington, DC. Do you know if anyone has looked critically at the
contents of this report?  Do you know of resources/articles on the
subject of trade in health services which examines the subject from a
perspective that is close to what is represented by members of this

Many thanks



Samer Jabbour, MD, MPH
American University of Beirut
Van Dyck Hall
Beirut, Lebanon
Tel: +961-1-374-374 
  x4640 (Sec.)  x4642 (Direct)
Fax: +961-1-744-470

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