PHA-Exchange> Against war? Wear a White Scarf! Portez un foulard blanc!

George(s) Lessard media at
Sun Mar 16 09:21:35 PST 2003

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Date sent:      	Fri, 14 Mar 2003 19:08:20 -0500
To:             	act-mtl-d at
From:           	espresso at
Subject:        	(act-mtl-d) Wear a White Scarf! Portez un 
foulard blanc!
Send reply to:  	act-mtl-d at

Caspar Davis en Colombie-Brittanique a déja entendu de la
campagne ici et circule son message pour encourager les
canadien(ne)s partout de porter un foulard blanc (ou
le mettre sur votre porte ou votre voiture ou autrepart
où il sera visible) pour signaler votre désir pour la
paix mondiale.

Les portes dans le Plateau ne sont que le début...


Caspar Davis in B.C. says:

Wear a White Scarf Around Your Neck, On Your Back Pack, or
Fly a White Flag On Your Car

A spontaneous war protest has started in Montreal after a
popular radio host here announced that Mrs. George W Bush
had cancelled a meeting with a group of women at the
White House because several of them planned to attend
the meeting with a white scarf round their necks as a silent
symbol of their desire for peace.
This symbol had power as it disturbed Mrs Bush.

This story has triggered a grassroots email campaign
asking those committed to peace in the world to wear a
white scarf.

If everyone who disagreed with the war were to wear a white
scarf around their neck, tie a white handkerchief to their
back-packs, their attache case, their school bags, white
pennants from car antennas, white flags on balconies and
hanging in front of houses the world over, would this not be
a powerful message to send to our leaders?
Sometimes images and symbols are more powerful than words.

If you feel that this idea has any validity, please join the
email campaign and pass this on to your network.


[ Via / From / Thanks to and / or excerpted from the following : ]

Judyth Mermelstein     "cogito ergo lego ergo cogito..."
Montreal, QC           <espresso at>
"A word to the wise is sufficient. For others, use more."
"Un mot suffit aux sages; pour les autres, il en faut plus."

research		        education        	           action
Q u e b e c   P u b l i c   I n t e r e s t   R e s e a r c h   G r o u p
    			at Concordia University
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  :-) Message ends, Signature begins (-:
  George Lessard, living @ 61.10N 94.05W
Comments should be sent to media at
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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly
find out how far one can go." T.S. Eliot... 
"If you think you are too small to make a difference, 
try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito..." African Proverb
ICQ # 8501081 
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Semi-random signature quotes follow:
...The function of art has always been to break through the crust of
conventionalized and routine consciousness.   Common things -- a 
a gleam of moonlight, the song of a bird, not things rare and remote 
are means with which the deeper levels of life are touched so that 
spring up as desire and thought.  This process is art.
-- John Dewey, The Public and Its Problems, 1934.

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