PHA-Exchange> Announcement: PHM-Geneva International

g_upham at g_upham at
Sat Nov 23 14:04:16 PST 2002

Supporters of the PHM in the Geneva area have formed "PHM - Geneva
International" as an NGO registered under Swiss Law. The Board of
members include people from Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas.

The group aims to take advantage of its location to promote knowledge
of, and support for, the PHM and the Charter, particularly within the
international organisations and the international community in Geneva;
to facilitate contact between PHM supporters and these organisations,
particularly WHO; to provide practical support and assistance to PHM
supporters visiting Geneva; and to organise meetings, seminars,
conferences, etc to promote the PHM, the Charter and Health For All,
locally and internationally.

In the immediate future, we are hoping to arrange open lunch-time
meetings in Geneva with as many as possible of the candidates for DG
of WHO. All PHM supporters are very welcome to attend, and we will
pass on dates, times and locations as and when meetings are arranged.
We are also planning one or more events next year, to mark the 25th
anniversary of Alma Ata, which we want to coordinate with similar
events being held by other PHM supporters. If you are planning any
such activities, particularly in Geneva, please do let us know.

People’s Health Movement - Geneva International,
15 Chemin du Passeur, 1219 Aïre, Switzerland."
Alison Katz (katzalison at

Three people were elected as representing the Board:
Nance Upham, (g_upham at
David Woodward, (woodwarddavid at
Monika Vonder Meden, (Monika.vonderMeden at

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