PHA-Exchange> PHM 8th News Brief

Qasem Chowdhury gksavar at
Thu Jul 11 03:02:01 PDT 2002


Here is the PHM 8th News Brief.

PHM at the World Health Assembly - 2002

The Peoples Health Movement (PHM) was invited by the World Health 
Organization to participate in the first Technical briefing session at the 
World Health Assembly, organised by the WHO-Civil Society Initiative and to 
present the Peoples Health Charter.  Over 35 members of PHM attended the 
World Health Assembly, this year from 13-17th May 2002 and participated in 
various meetings and lobbying initiatives and also participated in the 
technical briefing. The initiative was organised by the WHO/WHA Circle of 
the PHM.

On 13th May 2002, the PHM participants attended the special briefing 
session organised by WHO-CSI for NGO participants. The PHM delegation was 
the largest group in the briefing session and among other concerns raised 
two issues (i) the need for caution in putting not for profit NGOs and 
civic society in the same group as ‘for profit – private sector’ in the 
public-private initiatives; and (ii) the need to look at the relevance of 
some of WHO’s concerns including themes from WHO day from the 
socio-economic-cultural-political-epidemiological situation of the poor and 
marginalised of the world – the larger majority.  After the briefing, the 
PHM delegation had its own first briefing and strategy planning session at 
the same venue (this was the first of many such meetings throughout the 5 
days). In the afternoon, the PHM delegation attended the formal 
inauguration of the World Health Assembly.

On 14th May 2002 from 9 – 12 noon, PHM delegates participated in NGO Forum 
for Health Session at WHA on ‘Partnership for Action in Health’ and 
presented the People’s Charter for Health as an alternative approach to 
health. The main messages from the PHA event were shared including that 
Health for All and Comprehensive Primary Health Care should be the 
fundamental principles which guide international health policy and that 
there was great concern about the ability of WHO to respond to the forces 
of globalisation, in terms of analysing the health impact of global 
economic change and in terms of the role of WHO in relation to other global 
institutions such as WTO, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. 
The meeting was followed by a press conference and Ravi and Sr. Ani 
attended it as PHM representatives.

One of the highlights of the PHM presence at WHA was the presence of a 
three member, full time media team, which included Unni and Nupur from 
India and Sathya from Malaysia, who were responsible for lobbying with the 
press and highlighting PHM concerns and PHM responses to emerging 
initiatives of WHO through formal/ informal press briefings, interviews and 
press conferences. As a PHM media strategy a backgrounder on PHM and five 
press releases were distributed to the press and many of the delegates as 
well. (a) Peoples Health Movement – a backgrounder on 13th May, with quotes 
from David Werner, Dr. Ekbal and Halfdan Mahler  (b) Health Care – WHO 
cares? Poverty, War and Debt – greatest threat to world health says PHM, – 
13th May 2002 (c) WHO Industry partnership – Who  influences Who?, 14th May 
2002 (d) Global campaign to be launched Revive the vision of Alma Ata!, On 
15th May 2002 (e) the Peoples Health Movement marches on – from Dhaka to 
Geneva to Porto Allegro, 17th May 2002 (f) Peoples Health Movement condemns 
ongoing attacks on civilians in Palestine and the violence in Gujarat- on 
17th May 2002.

All the PHM participants attending WHA took time off from WHA on 16th May 
to participate in a full day sharing, reflecting, ‘battery charging’ 
session on Peoples Health Movement and post PHA initiatives at World 
Council of Churches on 16th May.  The day started with a symbolic gathering 
of participants in the centre of Geneva with Peoples Health Charters and 
posters and publications by the side of the special ‘broken chair’ monument 
dedicated to those people especially children who have lost limbs in 
post-war undetected mine explosions. The full day meeting including a self 
introduction round; followed by an exercise to list out ones ongoing 
involvement in PHM and ones contribution to a Vision of PHM and some tasks 
for the future; then time for sharing by each participant which included 
initiatives and processes from all parts of the world.  In the afternoon, 
there was screening of some videos including ‘Hey Ram’ on the Gujarat 
crisis which lead to great concern and the press statement on 17th 
condemning the attacks in Palestine and Gujarat.  Finally, there was a 
concluding session on future challenges and organisational issues chaired 
by Qasem and Ravi.  PHA participants also attended other sessions organised 
by NGOs to express our solidarity. One was a briefing and a discussion 
session by WHO and Save the Children, UK, in collaboration with Medact and 
Wemos on ‘Poverty Reduction Strategies and Health: Action & Roles’  and the 
other one was on ‘Consumer improves quality of care’  organised by KILEN – 
Consumer Institute for Medicines and Health, Sweden, which was part of the 
IOCU (Consumers International) delegation to the 55th WHA.

The Technical briefing on Peoples Health Charter was the much awaited 
highlight of the PHM presence and participation in WHO. The session was 
held on 17th May and chaired by Dr. Manuel Dayrit, the Secretary of Health 
of Philippines and was attended by senior officials of WHO including DG of 
WHO. Dr. Brundtland welcomed the group and presented WHO’s key concerns and 
her interest in Civil Society partnerships. Dr. David Nabarro stayed back 
to answer all the questions and comments after the briefing. Zafarullah and 
Ravi presented the background of the PHA mobilisation and key elements and 
concern of the Charter and Maria, Mwajuma and Ellen shared about post PHM 
concerns and initiatives from Latin America, Africa and Europe.

After the Technical briefing session, the PHM participants met for the last 
time on 17th late afternoon for an informal final meeting chaired by Qasem 
to identify specific action strategies and volunteers to convene or follow 
up on these strategies and initiatives. There was discussion and 
suggestions on a Communications / Media Circle (to be convened by Andrew, 
UK) some ideas to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Alma Ata with 
reflections by PHM groups including a joint Health convention at the next 
World Social Forum at Porto Allegro in February 2003; follow up on special 
issues of Contact magazine and Development Dialogue on Post PHA 
initiatives; and matters of strategy and clarification of procedures for 
representing PHM at meetings, the need for further mobilization and 
regional meetings to identify the members of the evolving Peoples Health 
Movement Council; need to support the PHM Secretariat etc.

During the WHA several contacts were made with individual and 
organizations. A team of seven resource persons from PHM – Maria, Sr. Ani, 
David (Sanders), Thelma, Mwajuma, Dorothy and Ravi met Dr. Peter Piot and 
some of his colleagues to understand the concerns and initiatives of UNAIDS 
and the concerns and suggestions of PHM participants on the HIV/AIDS 
problem in their own countries and regions.

The Global Forum for Health Research (Louis Currat, Executive Secretary and 
Andres de Francisco, Senior public Health Specialist) contacted some of the 
PHM participants to explore how PHM could participate in the next Forum 6 
at Arusha, Tanzania in November 2002.   Many other organisations met up 
with some of the PHM participants and discussed some possibilities of 
dialogue, working together or informed about meetings at which the Charter 
could be presented.  All of them were requested to keep in touch with the 
PHM Secretariat and ways and means to follow up on the requests would be 
evolved by the secretariat and its support group.(Detail report on WHA-2002 
will be available on request shortly from PHM Secretariat)

Post-PHA Activities

In Philippines, Health Workers Day was celebrated  May 7 and they had a 
motorcade from the Lung Center of the Philippines up to the House of 
Representatives where a Congresswoman who supports campaign for people’s 
health gave a privilege speech on the plight of health workers and how they 
are also very much affected by the onslaught of globalization. The PCH and 
the PHM was also highlighted.

In Nepal, PHA participants met and formed the National Circle. They call it 
as People’s Health National Coordinating Committee. The Executive Board 
meeting of the Peoples’ Health National Coordinating Committee unanimously 
elected Prof. Mathura Prasad Shrestha and Mr. Shanta Lall Mulmi as link 
person of Nepal National circle for PHA. The Board also constituted a 
programme planning committee under the convenorship of Mr. Shanta Lall 
Mulmi. The  members have voiced that PHA is a concept, a movement. Hence 
PHA should not be involved in short term project. They also translated the 
Charter in Nepalese language and brought out a beautiful poster on the Charter.

In Bangladesh 2nd National conference of People’ Health Movement was 
oraganised on the theme “Towards implementation of People’s Charter for 
Health”. Besides PHA participants, the conference was attended by Minister 
of Health and State Minister for Environment of Bangladesh. This meeting 
was preceded by six divisional meetings in Bangladesh. Besides discussion 
on Charter, workshops were held on Globalisation and Poverty Reduction 
Strategy Papers- Bangladesh perspective. The participants also formed a 
National Circle of PHM to take the movement forward. They also printed an 
adopted popular version of the Charter in Bangla and brought out a 
beautiful poster on the occasion of the conference.


In Iran PHA participant Dr. Mohamad Ali Barzgar arranged meeting with like 
minded people and discussed the content of the Charter. All of them are in 
agreement with its content and support it. The participants requested Dr. 
Barzgar to act as contact person of PHM in Iran till they elect a link 
person. The group likes to extend their activities at different provinces 
and grass root levels. Dr. Barzgar met with the Minister of Health of Iran 
and briefed him about PHM with relevant papers. They also translated and 
printed the Charter in Farsi language for wider distribution through 
discussion meetings at various levels.


In Europe, PHA participants from the region met on 4th and 5th December 
2001. On 4th they arranged a conference on ‘Health for All: A Question of 
Social Justice’. It was wonderful because of the diversity of speakers and 
the breadth of experience, knowledge, energy and clear commitment to 
achieving ‘Health for All’ by the participants. It was a great opportunity 
to share ideas, network and galvanize more support for the PHM. The day was 
divided roughly into three areas looking at both domestic and global 
1. the impact of trade rules of health
2. the impact of privatisation of health services
3. Democracy, civil participation and influence in shaping health.

Usefully the UK press were interested with deliberations and a wider 
audience was introduced the PHM which is vital if PHM is to continue raise 
its profile to strengthen the work.

On the second day the participants had in depth discussion on the Proposed 
structure of PHM and welcomed the document. They also developed some joint 
action plan with International Federation of Medical Students Association 
(IFMSA), WEMOS- Netherlands and Public Service International Research Unit 
(PSIRU) on various issues. Participants from different countries and 
organizations expressed their interest to initiate and coordinate issue 
based circles.

In Italy, more than 6000 persons have signed the Charter and more 
signatures are pouring in. The Charter was translated in Italian and 
printed in 1500 copies. A slightly edited version of the Charter was 
printed in AIFO’s monthly magazine in Italian (AdL) in September 2001, 
distributed in 80,000 copies. In December 2001, AIFO used the Charter as 
the theme for its calendar for 2002, printed in 10,000 copies. Since then, 
the Charter has been in many other forums – like as annex to the magazine 
of Italian workers union, as a supplement with a monthly magazine Vita, in 
the Italian Journal of paediatricians, etc. The Charter was also put on the 
AIFO web page in both Italian and English versions. Networking with other 
organizations and movements: The Charter has been seen as part of the 
struggle in which many other organizations and movements are involved like 
cancel the debt campaign, anti-mine campaign, healthy cities campaign, 
anti-globalization forums, ATTAC-Italy, essential drugs campaign, etc.

In October 2001, AIFO organized an international workshop on Poverty & 
Development, during which the Charter was also presented to persons coming 
from different countries.

In the beginning of November 2001, the biannual AIFO national conference 
was organized in Assisi, which focused on PHA Charter. Many Italian NGOs 
and movements participated.


In Latin America, Shortly after the PHA, the Spanish-speaking participants, 
mostly from Latin America, set up an electronic list serve to continue to 
share with one another.  It is called REDLATINAMERICANASALUD or Latin 
American Health Network.  Many people in Latin America, in those countries 
that had representation at the PHA, have been involved in discussions about 
the event, and especially about the People’s Charter for Health.  These 
events have taken place in local communities and in national and regional 
events.  Documents and press reports have resulted from these events.  Many 
people know about the PHA and about the Charter and are looking for ways to 
make it relevant to their local  situations.

One significant result of some of these activities and discussions, is that 
health activists have decided to work on building awareness of the effects 
of the Free Trade Agreement for the Americas (FTAA) on the health of the 
people.  The FTAA goes beyond the WTO!

Two people represented the PHA at the Social Forum in Puerto Alegre, 
Brazil.  They were able to distribute the Charter at the Forum and make 
many contacts at different workshops and events.  Julio Monsalvo from 
Argentina has written an inspiring report that is being translated into 
English at present.  It will be available very soon.


In East African region, PHM participants from the region organized a 
meeting in Tanzania  as a Post People’s Health Assembly activity. The focus 
of the meeting was:
·    reflect on the experience of the Assembly (by those who attended or 
were involved in the preparations)
·       share  that  experience  with  others  who  were  not involved
·       briefly explore the ideas for developing a global People’s Health 
Movement, including explaining the concept of interlinking circles of 
interest as a structure for such a movement
·       brainstorm health issues that are critical for people in Africa
·       introduce the framework of the People’s Charter for Health and
·       explore whether it provides a useful tool for people in   Africa to 
organise around or to use within their activities
·       plan a focus for joint future work in Africa, including ideas on 
how to carry it out
·       explore what role participants from Africa could play in the 
forthcoming WABA Global Forum meeting and related events planned for 
Tanzania at the end of September 2002

At the end participants form a Regional Circle of PHM for the East African 
Region with Mwajuma Saiddy Masaiganah as their link person to PHM.

Few Future events PHM is going to be represented

1. WABA Global Forum II - Arusha, Tanzania - 23-27 September 2002. Contact 
WABA Global Forum 2, WABA Secretariat, PO Box 1200, 10850 Penang, 
Malaysia    Tel: 604-6584816 l Fax: 604-6572655 ,
Email: secr at,
Website: l

2. The Global Forum for Health Research  next Forum 6 meeting at Arusha, 
Tanzania 11-15th  Novemberr 2002.

3. Asia Civil society Forum, 2002 – UN/NGO Partnership for Democratic 
Governance, Bangkok, 24-29 November 2002 (Email : congo.gva at
(Website :

4. Asian Social Forum 2003 from 2 – 7 January 2003 at Hyderabad, India, 
Contact: Meena Menon, WSF-India Secretariat, Working Women’s Hostel, 
G-Block, Saket, New Delhi 110017, India,
Tel: +91 11 6569943
Email: wsfindia at

5. World Social Forum at Porto Allegro in February 2003; Contact: David 
Public Health Programme, University of Western Cape, P Bag X17, Belville 
7535 Cape, South Africa
Tel.: Fax: +27-21-959-2872 / 27-21-959-2809
E-mail: lmartin at

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