PHA-Exchange> PHA Exchange WHO-WHA

Lynette Martin lmartin at
Mon Mar 11 00:23:31 PST 2002

** High Priority **

Dear Ravi,

Apologies for the delay in replying about the WHA and the WHO-WHA Circle.

I am currently travelling and cannot access your email sent about 2 weeks ago. Therefore I cannot remember all the details of your proposal. I do have with me, however, Claudio's recent response to you from Chile. I will add a little to that.

I agree with most of what Claudio suggests. In addition to summarising the Charter I think it would be strategic if we indicate in relation to each section of the Charter, key activities of organisations which have been active in the P.H.M. For example, in relation to the section in the Charter on economic factors and health (I don't have the Charter with me and cannot recall the exact title of this section) we should refer to the work being done by, amongst others, MedAct and WEMOS. We can even cite publications produced on macroeconomic policies by these organisations. Similarly on Environment and Health we can name such organisations as Dag Hammarskjold Foundation and some of their publications on this area (e.g. one of their issues of "Development Dialogue"). Also, Vandana Shiva's organisation and its activities relevant to this area of the Charter.

The examples given above are only to illustrate my point : The strength of the PHM is derived from the range of organisations (grassroots, academic, research, campaigning etc.) that were at Savar or supported that event and process. It will be impressive if we can show that well-known organisations e.g. HAI, USF, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Treatment Action Campaign etc. all are part of the P.H.M.

Clearly to produce such material will take some effort. If this is agreed upon, we will have to contact all the organisations we know who are part of the PHM, ask them if they are willing to be publicly associated and request from them a few key points about their activities (e.g. campaigns, publications) and ask them to identify which of the major action areas (sections) of the Charter they should be listed under. Also, we should get them to provide us with supportive comments for the PHM. We would then need to compile this document and format it in an appealing way and clearly relate it to the Charter. It could be headed e.g. "A powerful diverse and growing Peoples Health Movement tackles health comprehensively!" Something like that.

These documents/pamphlets should be augmented by clips from the PHA Video.

I am trying to get to Geneva and would be happy to help with whatever activities are occurring.

I agree with Claudio that we need to publicize our briefing session. In addition to the pamphlet I suggest, a poster would be good.

Lastly, names of people at WHO who would probably be sympathetic. I haven't got your list with me, so some of my suggested names you may already have:
Haile Kahssay has been doing supportive work for years on health and civil society. He would probably assist us publicize our event. Also Rene Loewenson spends some of her time in Geneva working with the CSI. Margaretha Skold has worked with IPHC for several years and would certainly support our efforts. Sultana Khanum works in the Nutrition Unit: I think she is sympathetic to the PHM. David Woodward was on one of the panels at the PHA n Savar. He and Robert Beaglehole would probably assist. Presumably our people in Geneva could find these people in the WHO directory.

I hope this is helpful.

With warm regards,
David Sanders

P.S.:  Obviously, if we are to produce materials for the WHA we will need to employ someone with good design skills.

Prof David Sanders/Lynette Martin
School of Public Health
University of the Western Cape
Private Bag X17
Bellville, 7535
Cape, South Africa

Tel: 27-21-959 2132/2402
Fax: 27-21-959 2872
Cell: 082 202 3316

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