PHA-Exchange> International Society for Equity in Health Newslet

Aviva aviva at
Sun Dec 16 02:23:13 PST 2001

> fyi . ....... There is a lot to report about ISEqH activities since our
> Newsletter.
> As of September 30, 2001, we now have a permanent Secretariat, located in
> Toronto, Canada. The role of the Secretariat is to coordinate all
activities and carry out the daily business of the Society.
> The contact there is Monica Riutort; her email address is
> iseqh.exec at <mailto:iseqh.exec at> .
> We are actively planning for our SECOND MEETING, TO BE HELD IN TORONTO ON
JUNE 14-16, 2002. (Visit our website for more information:
> As a result of the successes of the Havana meeting last year, the schedule
of activities will be similar, but we will add some
 additional workshops. Several excellent people have already volunteered to
organize workshops, which will be on topics such as the potential for
regional research collaborations, the particular role of health services in
improving equity in health, and writing for publication.
> Our first issue of the International Journal for Equity in Health (IJEqH)
should be ready by early spring. It will be an all-electronic journal, with
all sections of the journal free to members of the ISEqH. (Non-members will
be able to access the scientific articles free, but will have to pay for
special sections such as bibliographies, review articles, abstracts, and the
journal's own innovative sections.) At least 50 members have already
signalled their intent to submit one or more papers within the next few
months. The Journal will be part of the family of journals published
electronically by BiomedCentral (see their website ).
BiomedCentral will be sending all members and contacts a notice about the
IJEqH; if you would rather that we didn't give them your name, let us know.
> We have greatly appreciated the grants recently received from the Pan
American Health Organization (PAHO), the March of Dimes Foundation, the
Rockefeller Foundation, and the Soros Foundation. The grant from PAHO is to
prepare for the next international meeting in June 2002 and to assure that
the ISEqH website and other written communications are available in Spanish
> as well as in English. The March of Dimes Grant is earmarked for
encouraging participation in ISEqH activities for those working in maternal
and child health, especially perinatal issues. The Rockefeller grant is to
provide financial assistance to people from poor countries to participate in
ISEqH activities. The Soros grant is to provide financial assistance to
people from central and eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union to
participate in ISEqH activities.
> At this time, we are urging you to do the following:
> - prepare a paper or papers to submit to the IJEqH. The uidelines for
formatting papers should be ready by November
> - think about abstracts to submit for the Toronto meeting (due January 4,
2002). Instructions will be available on the ISEqH website (
> - help in recruiting new members and attendees for the Toronto meeting.
 Please remember that there are several benefits of membership, including
the following:
> - reduced registration fee for the Society's international meetings
> - entire contents of Journal, without fee
> - updated bibliographies
> - representation in the only open international society devoted to
> developing knowledge and its application to improving equity in health
 - linkages with colleagues worldwide who share interests and commitments to
improving knowledge and its applicability to increasing equity in health
> As a result of the generosity of some of the members of ISEqH, we have
some money to pay for the membership fee of individuals from developing
countries who are unable to afford to pay it. If you know of anyone that you
believe would fit in this category, please have them send me (by electronic
mail) a statement of why they are requesting subsidized membership and what
they have contributed or hope to contribute to the ISEqH as a member.
> We look forward to hearing from you with your reactions, thoughts, and new
> Barbara Starfield, MD, MPH
> University Distinguished Professor
> The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
- Fax 410 614 9046 - email bstarfie at

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