PHA-Exchange> Fw: [Ip-health] Petition for Peace/Off-topic/Apologies

woodwardd at woodwardd at
Fri Sep 21 07:42:42 PDT 2001

original message:

This is off-topic--and yet, it is not. Please consider signing the petition 
found at

You may add your own text. The text I added may be found below. I 
endeavored to keep the language at Mr. Bush's reading level.

George M. Carter

If we kill 500 terrorists, each will have
a father, a son, a brother, a sister who will
be willing to die to kill thousands of Americans.
We cannot fight fundamentalism with guns. It plays
into their hands completely, especially when we
kill civilians. If we don't look at WHY they hate us
so--we won't be able to heal.

For example, the USTR is seeking to block access to
generically-priced pharmaceutical drugs in developing nations;
that is a form of genocide against the ill. We must seek ways
to help people have access to healthcare, education,
food, and not be so arrogant.

The price of that arrogance is only more bloodshed.

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